James Wang

I am a recent graduate of Columbia University, with a M.S. and B.S. degree in Computer Science. I am currently an Applied Machine Learning Engineer at Snorkel AI. Previously, I was a Machine Learning Engineer at Atlassian, where I worked on search relevance and ML infrastructure. I'm interested in computer vision, computational biology, and the security and robustness of machine learning systems. If you are interested in these things as well, let's chat!

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I have previously worked in Columbia's Computer Vision Lab advised by Prof. Carl Vondrick with PhD student Chengzhi Mao and Columbia's Computational Biology Lab advised by Prof. Elham Azizi. I have also worked in Prof. Dana Pe'er's group at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center with PhD student Yubin Xie.

Causal Transportability for Visual Recognition
Chengzhi Mao, Kevin Xia, James L Wang, Hao Wang, Junfeng Yang, Elias Bareinboim, Carl Vondrick
CVPR, 2022

Signatures of plasticity, metastasis, and immunosuppression in an atlas of human small cell lung cancer
Joseph M Chan, Álvaro Quintanal-Villalonga, Vianne Ran Gao, Yubin Xie, Viola Allaj, Ojasvi Chaudhary, Ignas Masilionis, Jacklynn Egger, Andrew Chow, Thomas Walle, Marissa Mattar, Dig V K Yarlagadda, James L Wang, Fathema Uddin, Michael Offin, Metamia Ciampricotti, Besnik Qeriqi, Amber Bahr, Elisa de Stanchina, Umesh K Bhanot, W Victoria Lai, Matthew J Bott, David R Jones, Arvin Ruiz, Marina K Baine, Yanyun Li, Natasha Rekhtman, John T Poirier, Tal Nawy, Triparna Sen, Linas Mazutis, Travis J Hollmann, Dana Pe'er, Charles M Rudin
Cancer Cell, 2021


Coming Soon!


Reviewer: CVPR 2023

I enjoy teaching and have worked with Prof. Tony Dear, Prof. Peter Belhumeur, and Prof. Nakul Verma for the following courses:

    Head Teaching Assistant:
    • COMS 4701: Artificial Intelligence (Spring 2022)
    • COMS 4995: Deep Learning for Computer Vision (Fall 2021)
    Teaching Assistant:
    • COMS 3251: Computational Linear Algebra (Spring 2021)
    • COMS 4701: Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2021)
    • COMS 4733: Computational Aspects of Robotics (Fall 2021)
    • COMS 4995: Deep Learning for Computer Vision (Fall 2020)

Last updated: August 4, 2024

Source code from Jon Barron's website.